Location: CA, United States

My dream is to dramatically improve math education throughout the world.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New Jpeg Compressor!

After getting fed up with having tons of digital photos but not wanting to email them to people due to their file size, I figured out how to compress a batch of files at once. I think this general purpose utility is needed by many people, so if you try it out for yourself and like it, please pass on the word! This is what I did:
1. I downloaded jpeg source code from
2. I compiled the code and discovered two utilities (djpeg and cjpeg) that work great.
3. I created a Perl script to enable batch processing (djpeg and cjpeg only work on one file at a time)
4. I created a Windows batch file to make it less cumbersome to call the Perl script
5. I created a web page with all the information to use the utility at

Pearlin is also excited by this little utility. In addition, when I post photos on my website in the future, I'll use this utility to do batch conversions, enabling all of the photos to download quickly. To give you any idea, this utility will compress a 2.5MB jpeg file to about 360K without losing much quality.

Fun at Bishop Elementary
I also visited Bishop Elementary today to discuss how Project HELP and can help each other out in the future. I also visited a couple of teachers today. In one of the classrooms, lots of kids were eager to show me their appreciation of MathScore, and one child even exclaimed "I'm your biggest fan!". That was really cute, and it really felt good that the students were so compelled to tell me how much they liked my program :-)

At 4pm, I will be attending a CEO Networking meeting. Due to a non-disclosure agreement, I won't be able to say anything about what goes on in those meetings, but I have to tell you, those meetings are great for providing me with excellent advice for running my company!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to be married to a computer guy - you get cool utilities like the compressor! :p

6:23 PM  

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